In we have prepared this channel so you can enjoy the porn videos of Beefcake Hunter, with a lot of big dicks and hot boys. Meanwhile he is exploring his options, and guess what? It seems that he has found or is in the talks for a gig as a porn actor with a company in California, wow! Can you imagine Hunters, if that becomes a reality, we got him first! We should be proud! Lol and it seems Gary. The Beefcake Hunter channel porn stands out worldwide for its high quality and innovation, with a wide repertoire of the best porn male actors in the world. Gary has found a job but the pay is not that good, so he is planning to go to College soon. I also believe that he may have had some doubts about his performance in a fuck scene, he hasn’t fucked a guy before and his anxiety is reasonable. He was called for a new job the very next day after our shooting and he decided to cancel. Ladies and Gentlemen (yes.there are some Ladies Hunters here!), the sexiest biker that Washington State has ever produced is here! Our prayers were answered and Beefcake Gary the biker is back! It was months ago when we got the first taste of Gary’s mouthwatering cock, and he even assured me that he was coming back for an anal scene, but he didn’t.